Vehicle History Report

General Motors Corvette
Located in: Finland
Vehicle reference: 1G1YY6780G5904835
Model year: 1986
Body type: Convertible
Gearbox type: Automatic
Drive: Rear
Fuel type: Petrol
Imported vehicle
Number of odometer readings: 1
Total number of records: 2

Quick Check


Not reported stolen

 No issues reported

Identity check

Not reported scrapped

 No issues reported

Damage Overview

No damage reported: There has been no damage reported for this vehicle

Mileage Check



No issues indicated: The reported odometer readings have a logical progression. There are no indications of manipulation. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee this, so we always recommend critically questioning the odometer readings, e.g. on signs of wear, the number of oil changes, or the average kilometers driven per year.


Vehicle age

First registration date: 09.10.1986

History information

Date Mileage Event
First registration abroad


Imported to Finland
Registered in Finland
First registration abroad


Imported to Finland
Registered in Finland
Based on data reviewed from 22 countries in Europe and North America

Technical details

Environment and consumption
Fuel type Petrol
Curb weight 1.376 kg
Wheelbase 2.438 mm
Other information
Number of doors 2

CARFAX Glossary

Imported vehicle
A vehicle that has been imported from another country
Model year
This term is defined by the manufacturer but it is typically the year the vehicle is built. If the model year does not appear on the CARFAX report, it is because the manufacturer did not include this information in the VIN. Model year can normally be determined by the vehicle age.
Number of odometer readings
The periodic mileage as reported to CARFAX. A greater number of odometer readings increases the likelihood of correct mileage.
Number of records
A CARFAX record refers to a specific incidence and date in the history of the vehicle. Please note that the history of younger vehicles tends to have fewer entries. CARFAX continuously works on getting more data sources and historical information in order to enrich the report
Quick Check
A snapshot of the information CARFAX has abstracted from our extensive database to determine whether a vehicle has been reported stolen, reported scrapped, publicly imported or ever used for non-personal purposes. This summary is based upon all the information supplied to CARFAX from various sources. Additional information about this vehicle, including these potential problems, may exist and may not have been reported to CARFAX.
Vehicle reference
User-provided value to identify the vehicle during the CARFAX Vehicle History Report retrieval process and to confirm vehicle identity on the report itself.